Creating a Simple Life One Day at a Time


I didn’t write a post last week, I almost didn’t write one this week, the only thing I really want to do right now is curl up in a ball and sleep.

But I can’t…..

I can’t take time out for me right now, can’t regenerate, recuperate, re create myself, not now, not with so much to do.

I can’t…..

I feel most days that if I just keep moving no matter how slowly things will get done.

But they don’t…..

I know when I feel this way it’s my iron levels, low blood pressure and just a touch of overwhelm,

Luca is still coughing, he’s been coughing for a month now, pneumonia they tell us but don’t tell us when he’ll be back to school, when he’ll be able to get outside, run and play without spasms of coughing that scare even him, when he’ll be back in his own bed, when life will start to head back to normal.

I almost killed us all a few nights back, such a stupid thing to do. Some small spark of heat was left in the ashes I put into the plastic bag, I put it into the metal bucket by the fireplace meaning to empty it in the morning and went to bed.

In the morning the smell was so strong of bitter smoke, even with all the windows open and doors wide it still lingered. I though it was the old stuffa we use in the kitchen, my mind was already thinking of the expense to replace it. Turned out it was my bag of ash, the plastic melted and the ash caught the wicker broom inside the bucket. The whole lot smouldered all night with Carina asleep on the couch only a few meters away.

Almost a tragic lesson…..never again.

And still I smile, and struggle and some days feel a fraud, luckily it’s only some days that I feel like this.

Today is one of those days…..

I’m not an expert, I have no road map for living the simple life, moving to Italy, creating something special for our children, learning a language, creating a business, sharing my hopes and dreams, it’s been a big year for us. We are now into the second week of the second year in Italy, it feels like we just arrived, so much to learn, so many ways to stretch ourselves, expand, grow, and experience this life we are building.

I’m creating something new, I’m investing in myself, bringing together all the pieces and finding clarity. I’m working with mentors and yes it’s super challenging, exciting, and creative. I’ll keep you posted as I progress. I thought it poetic that the first day of with my new mentor is the one year anniversary of our landing in Italy. Year Two is now eight days in and so much has changed, I feel it within myself, right to the core.

I Dare to Dream….and I’m dreaming bloody BIG!

Funnily enough I don’t feel tired anymore, I think a little walk would do me good.



lets walk together and chat xx



and the gang x


our italian life
off on a tangent
fiume salami
christmas blues
lessons from the orto
portrait in paris
Madonna della Neve Bagnolo
stay at borgata malpertus
33 replies
  1. Karene
    Karene says:

    Hi Lisa, I don’t know if you’ll see this since it’s a previous post of yours. But since I’m taking a break from facebook for a few days while I get some schoolwork done, I thought I would check in with your blog. Thank you for this lovely slice of your Italian life. You are right–it is absolutely beautiful there! I’m so glad you were able to step out for a bit. I have also been through pneumonia with both of my kids at times, and it’s very scary, and emotionally and physically demanding, for us as moms. I know in your later post, you said Luca is doing better, and I hope that is still the case today. Thank you also for your reminder to get out of the house for a bit for a refresher. I needed to hear that!

    Also, I finally checked out what B-school is, and it sounds wonderful, but probably a lot of work too. But this is work that benefits you, and we all need to do that from time to time. Because it will benefit your family in the long run. Go for it! I’m so excited that you are pursuing your dreams and your passion. You are truly an inspiration to me!


  2. Pamela Bates/Mercantile Muse
    Pamela Bates/Mercantile Muse says:

    hi lisa, just found you through someone else I follow on facebook and happy to have stumbled upon your blog. hope luca is doing better. so awesome you’re doing Bschool! I’m jealous! AND that you won Carla’s giveaway!!!! two other women I follow. thanks for the lovely walk. Pam

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Most welcome Pam and yes B-School is giving me clarity in a really fun way. Carla’s giveaway was perfect and I created that I would have my 50th in Paris way back and wrote a post about it, everything just aligned beautifully. I love Carol Burnett as well in fact my Mum is a mixture of her and Lucy…..I watched this growing up xx

  3. head in the sun
    head in the sun says:

    Hmmm… for thought.
    Not really what I was looking for at 3am in the morning!!
    Now I’ll be lying here pondering, pondering, pondering…….
    Thank you for the peek into your world.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      3am in the morning you’re a night owl…..why up so late?

  4. Janine
    Janine says:

    Dear Lisa,

    I am sorry it’s taken me this long to catch up with your latest…. How are you going this week?My heart goes out to you all. When our little ones aren’t well, well it’s the only thing we can focus on. I just hope you can be kind to yourself and take things as slowly as you need to. It’s a long journey and the journey is the thing we need to try and learn from and enjoy everyday. Destinations might be overrated I’m starting think. Love, jxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Hi Janine we are all on the mend and going well, how are things with you? I found a wonderful blog that I think you’d love it’s by a woman called Danielle LaPorte and I got so much just from doing a few of the exercises last night and watching her videos.
      New things happening at the blog and life as always, loving the journey and also all your images just can’t for the life of me seem to get the comments to work xx

  5. lisa wood
    lisa wood says:

    Sending lots of love Lisa – take each day slowly and be kind , have a cuppa and sit for at least a minute so that your reserve can keep going.
    I am sending a massive hug from Australia to you, to Luca and the gang. Wished his cough was gone already.
    Its raining here today so we are having an indoor lazy day….a day to dream.
    Wishing you a moment to feel like you are in the right place at the right moment, with lots of love sent to you. I feel like you some times, overwhelm – its a Mum thing. Wished we were in the same country to have a cuppa, a slice of cake and a Mumma chat. Miss you guys, love following your journey. May it get warmer soon so that Luca can soak up the sun to help his cough get better xxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh thanks for that Lisa, I’m feeling much better and just been to the Dr and turns out my blood pressure is low 105 over 60 and also had a blood test today. You are so right and sometimes we take on much more than we realise. With Luca sick and everything else my body just called a strike.
      I loved your post and it was so wonderful to read that romantic surprise your gorgeous guy planned for you, and yes Sam once kept a big secret when we were expecting Aaron he knew we were having a boy and never let slip.
      Overwhelm….it’s a Mum thing…..should be on a t-shirt lol x
      Maybe we could catch up on skype sometime, if you have it let me know and we could work something out xxx

  6. Trisha Thomas
    Trisha Thomas says:

    Hi Lisa — Oh God do I hate those aerosol machines. My kids have spent so much time using those things. I never had one growing up and we were always dealing with cold New England winters and never got sick. It seems easier for kids to get coughs, bronchitis and pneumonia in Italy – who knows why. Anyway, I am sorry you are having a rough time. I am too– I won’t go into the details on a blog comment, but it is miserable. It makes me feel a little better knowing there are other mothers out there struggling, I am not alone — and I am so impressed that you always keep your eye on your dreams and your goals for a happy future. I must learn from you. Sending hugs.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      this is the first time we’ve had to use something like this thank goodness. I had pneumonia twice in Australia and I was surprised that Luca had it so young. So sorry to hear you’re going through a rough patch, I’d love to catch up maybe we could skype. Someone on line that I’ve just found is and she is really resonating with me, just listening to her I feel calmer lol x
      I rarely share my struggles and I have them just like most Mums so maybe I should share from time to time. You are not alone, most are putting on a brave face and just dealing with all that life throws at them. I think my optimistic personality has me looking for a way to recreate myself, plus I did three years with Landmark Education and that was life changing, Sam did it as well and whilst we certainly aren’t poster couple we have that training to fall back on when otherwise I would have packed my bags and left. This is the man I love, the one I choose, the one I would choose again today, and I know we’ll figure out the whole ‘income’ thing in an unusual way. Sending belated hugs to you, I have been taking a new look at my writing, blogging and where I want to take it all this second Italian year…….xxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh thanks so much Jo, feeling better now and getting direction and clarity. xx

  7. Margaret | Destination Here&Now
    Margaret | Destination Here&Now says:

    There is no road map Lisa. We all just put our foot to the peddle with the windows down and the map flying up in our face. Turn the music up loud. Sing and roar! And dance while you’re cooking dinner. It works a treat. Big love x

    • Margaret | Destination Here&Now
      Margaret | Destination Here&Now says:

      PS Your little video has inspired me to take one tomorrow when Karyn and I do our walk. I’ll share it with you Lisa and pretend we’re having our own private three way bahaha xx

      • Lisa Chiodo
        Lisa Chiodo says:

        Hey I look forward to seeing your video, and it was so wonderful to talk last night. Lots to think about that’s for sure. xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I love that image, I always sing full out in the car (although I don’t drive here, ha ha that’s the problem). Oh and Sam cooks dinner so I’ll have to dance whilst doing the washing up lol xx

  8. Catherine
    Catherine says:

    Oh Lisa! Sending huge hugs to you. One step at a time. You’ll get over this. Piccoli passi.. I had such a hard time here in the beginning too. Isolation, damp house, miles of driving, four small kids. I also had pneumonia!!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Oh wow Catherine you went through the wringer didn’t you, four small kids….arghhh and pneumonia is horrible, we are now into our second year and things are slowly falling into place. sending love xxx

  9. Heather
    Heather says:

    Thank you for taking us on a little walk through the woods. It is so beautiful! I love the bridge and the sound of the rushing water. I’m sorry it’s been so rough. Happy thoughts and prayers coming your way- hope for healing, rest and peaceful moments that fill up your love cup! XO- Heather

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Ahh the bridge is Ponte Napoleon Heather, and is where Sam and Luca go for a swim in the summer. Although Sam shocked all the locals going in for a dip on the last day of winter. Life is wonderful, just a bit run down but improving daily. Thanks so much for your kindness and prayers, sending love lisa x

  10. Wynne
    Wynne says:

    How nice to be able to “come with you” on a walk around the land. I hope things upright themselves soon for all of you – you all need a break!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It’s so beautiful now Wynne and the flowers are glorious. I’ll have to do more online walks. Things are slowly improving and one thing I wouldn’t mind is a nice long hot shower!!! lol x

  11. Gina - Our Global Adventure
    Gina - Our Global Adventure says:

    Lisa you are going to wear yourself out! Take care of yourself chickadee, you’ll be no good to your gorgeous family if you get ill yourself 😉 No one minds if you’re not blogging, don’t so be hard on yourself xx Now, I think you should make yourself a nice cup of tea and breath in deeply that lovely mountain air, everyone will still be here when you return 🙂 (I said that with my best bossy teacher voice, so get to it!)

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Things have a way of catching up don’t they Gina. A nice cup of tea sounds perfect, and today I was out with Sam and Luca doing the wood. Our dear friend Wendy is a teacher and we always tease her for her bossy teacher voice, sending love ciao ciao lisa

  12. Rosie
    Rosie says:

    Sweet heart it takes 2years before you begin to settle. You’ve all been through so much this last year, new language, country, people, customs, school, hospitals, winter, illness, distance and so on & so on. It’s normal to feel challenged and low. But from low comes high. So the journey upward is beginning with the Sun, warmth and the-newness of Spring. You are strong, vital and a woman all be it deflated at present. You spirit snd love for you family will re inflate you. One day at a time. Life always has a special way of taking care of us, sometimes it’s not that obvious. xxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      LOL then we only have another year to go, it has been a big year in so many ways. Spring has come and the mountain is so beautiful, all good now and getting back on track xx
      hugs dear Rosie xx

  13. lynda sharples
    lynda sharples says:

    If you are going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

    wise words….hang in there Lisa ..this too shall pass..

    Love and light x

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      A wise man, thanks so much Lynda x

  14. Krista
    Krista says:

    Oh dear friend, no wonder you’re exhausted!!! How I wish I could pop over and help you in some way. XO I’m sorry things are so rough right now. Wishing healing and peace and rest for your household.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Feeling much better now, still tired but Luca is getting over his pneumonia and I have been getting out of the house so all good xx


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