The saddest little Church – Madonna della Neve Bagnolo.

Madonna della Neve Bagnolo

It is unlike any church I’ve been in.

The Santuario Madonna della Neve was visible from the valley floor not far from our house.

Shining like a beacon on the hillside we decided to see if we could find it. A few wrong turns and some dirt roads later we arrived.

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Inside the chapel it slowly dawned on me that all the pictures covering the walls were of people who had died.

So many children, so much sadness, I felt overcome by many of the paintings especially the little photos in the corners.

Each one told a story, bought to life knowing they were images of actual people.

Many were obviously painted by the same artist over a number of years.

There were hundreds, all the walls were covered from floor to ceiling. It was overwhelmingly sad, a living history of the people and the losses they had suffered. I couldn’t imagine sitting here at a service, so many spirits, so many sad stories.


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Subdued we left the  Madonna della Neve Bagnolo.

Walking back out into the sunshine we met a couple who knew the history of the sanctuary.

They told us that the pictures were in fact of ‘miracles’ not deaths.

They explained to Sam who later translated (as only Sam can, see below)  the story of the Church and the paintings.

madonna neve dbl

If you’d like to hear the official story of the chapel you can find it at Madonna della Neve Bagnolo.

and the gang x


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8 replies
  1. Carmel Gamble
    Carmel Gamble says:

    We are staying with Sam and Lisa and today they took us to this church. The pictures and stories on the walls of the church are amazing but when you realise the story behind them, it is joyous.
    Thank you for taking us. Xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It was so hard not to blurt out the joyful side of the stories, so happy you liked the church, it’s such a unique story. Hope Alba weather is being kind to you, we’ll be watching the pictures and imagining you zipping about in your little fiat xx

  2. Anne
    Anne says:

    Absolutely amazing . !! How wonderful that this church is all about Miracles not deaths and the church is still there. That is a miracle. I am sure there are lots of stories out there to be shared. Love the ceiling , beautiful. ♥

  3. jann
    jann says:

    Incredible, Lisa!!! Amazing folk art. The minute I saw “Grazia Ricevuta” on the one picture, I realized it was about miracles. What a relief! xxxx

  4. Shell Parsons
    Shell Parsons says:

    What a fascinating place and story. Thanks for sharing it Sam and Lisa.x

  5. Penee
    Penee says:

    Wow what a wonderful but eerie church. I would love to visit it if we ever make it over there. I love reading your blog and keeping up to date with everyone 🙂 hoping you are all well. The youngs xxxxx

  6. Sugarpie
    Sugarpie says:

    Wow! That was so unusual and interesting, one day when I get to visit- I wanna go there!


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