‘Time does not pass, it continues…’

There are community farmhouses (rustico borgata) all through the mountains around Gambasca. Ours is called Borga Nari, and we’ve found five others within easy walking distance of our house.

We’ve been told by our friend Piera that when autumn comes they pop up like mushrooms and then we’ll be able to see them all through the valley.

This Borgata was found on a winding walk down into the valley, along the banks of the stream on the thickest blanket of Autum leaves which constantly rustled with unknown creatures. Completely hidden and abandoned many years ago, almost covered over with bracken.

People lived here, were born and died here, raised families and I am totally in awe.

I long to know their stories, where did they go, who holds the history?

Most have hidden relics a wooden wheelbarrow (including the wheel), a full sized wooden sled that could easily carry Santa, and huge raffia covered wine/oil bottles.

We found a tiny cobbled shoe at our house. It’s so hard to imagine people actually living here, some of the doors are only 4 feet high.

I could swear I hear the sound of children playing and calling to each other. Each time I visit I have a “Blair Witch” moment of panic, just my mind playing tricks.

I am in love with these abandoned remains and the stories they long to tell.

If you also have a love for stories and history I would be fascinated to hear from you.


and the gang x

4 replies
  1. Katie @ Loft Creations
    Katie @ Loft Creations says:

    I love exploring old ruins, the sense of history pours from every crack in every room. Lives were lived there, hopefully more will too one day, once somebody fixes them up

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I can only hope these old houses will one day be bought back to life by a new generation xx

  2. Lisa Chiodo
    Lisa Chiodo says:

    I am guessing that these borgati have been handed down through the generations, there seems to be no value placed on them by their owners. In our borgata some of the buildings were still owned by the family (they moved out to a newer home down the road) and they used the old buildings to store farm equipment, and potatoes. For us they are incredible, unique, and full of history. I would love to restore them all… how is your place coming along?
    PS I love your invites!
    ciao Lisa

  3. Leanne in Italy
    Leanne in Italy says:

    Wow – I too wonder what happened to these people. Itay is just dotted with abandoned houses, I assume most of the time the people migrated to the north, or to America, Australia etc…and left the houses there. Maybe they’ll come back one day to claim it, most probably children of their childrens children or something like that.


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