
30 days of indie travel – day two

‘For me there is only one path, and that is the path with heart. And there I travel, and there I travel- looking, looking, breathlessly’

 don yuan (yaqui indian)

Our family thrives on change, there is no choice in the matter. Since meeting my husband that New Year’s eve in the late 90’s we have moved house ten times. Each time we move we renovate. Yep we live in the chaos….or should I say dance? Even growing up my family moved about. I remember which house we were in and where it was by the wallpaper Mum would choose. Pink checks, big yellow sunflowers, dark brown paisley floral, tiny green leaves on a white background.

Change….it’s nothing new to me.

Always having one foot in the next adventure leaves me a little disconnected. We make friends easily, keep them close, yet I often don’t feel as if I belong. We’re always in transit to somewhere else…no pets, no lovingly tended gardens, no constant friendships for our children. I miss that, of course I do. Yet just typing the words has my heart beating faster, Italy, adventure, the unknown, exploring, the World!

The changes wrought by travel leave tell tale signs, not only on your passport but in your very essence. Patience, compassion, caring, tolerance,the ability to be flexible, to change direction at the drop of a hat. Travel is a gift, the greatest you can receive, worth more than any treasure. It is the gift we give our children, these tiny people who can make friends in two minutes with even the most aloof soul.

Don’t get me wrong, the first six months living in Italy were spent hiding how much I wanted to return home. The women in my family could talk under water, I just figured Italian was something I would pick up. Not so, my husband’s family spoke dialect, a mix of Calabrese and Sicilian….we were living in Piemonte (even my husband who speaks fluently had no clue what the locals were saying).

It took a long time to embrace the life that I had chosen. Now it just flows in me like a river. It’s part of who I am, who my children are, mezza Italiana (especially our daughter who is all passion, drama and eloquent hands). Our little boy with those gorgeous brown eyes , olive skin, and looks that will break a few hearts. And of course Papa who is our driving force and greatest love.

Video kindly supplied with permission by Samarotto Design Group

and the gang x










13 replies
  1. carla
    carla says:

    beautifull. You are so brave but you will be rewarded. It all gets easier and better and I LOVED EVERYDAY LIVING IN ITALY.. Just going to the market got my heart started.. Can’t wait to be on the journey with you.. Carla xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Carla, the reward will be beyond our dreams. I never feel brave, just eager to “suck the marrow from the bone” as my mother in law says. Have a lovely day and thank you so much for your support! Can’t wait to set off…
      ciao lisa x

  2. Mary Furness
    Mary Furness says:

    My true travel dream–to live, even for just a few months, in another country. When we travel, either here or overseas, we often rent an apartment, shop in local markets, and try to “live local” as much as possible. However, it is often only for a week; the opportunity to do it for 6 months, a year or more would be a dream come true! What joy for you and your family!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Mary it makes such a difference to live in a country. I traveled in my 20’s and thought I “knew” Italy….all I saw was the surface. Being able to live in a place gives you a view into it’s soul. Hope your dream comes true soon, maybe a vino on our terrazo!
      ciao lisa

  3. Leanne - Getaway Guru
    Leanne - Getaway Guru says:

    I love that you met your husband on NYE – it’s a night that symbolises new beginnings and hope for me, so very fitting for you both I’m sure.

    And I love this quote “The changes wrought by travel leave tell tale signs”…so true!

    On to Day 3!!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Hi Leanne, new beginnings and hope??? sounds perfect…and a perfect quote as well. Where are you posting for 30 days of Indie? I’ll be over to say hi, maybe we can link up to each other at the end s of the posts? ciao and bring on day 3, I just can’t decide which music I have so many special ones. ciao lisa

      • Leanne - Getaway Guru
        Leanne - Getaway Guru says:

        Hi Lisa,

        can’t committ to 30 days at the moment so am watching and enjoying from afar, very inspiring! And by the way, that quote was yours! I loved it, sums up how travel feels!

        • Lisa Chiodo
          Lisa Chiodo says:

          Hey Leanne, sorry to hear that but glad to know you will be following along. If you have any clips or images I could perhaps include them. I had a lovely lady from Samarotto Design get in touch and offer a gorgeous clip which I put in the post. I just love people who think outside the box and are proactive and this was such a great example of that. ciao for now Lisa x

  4. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    Great post. You’re right about travel being the greatest gift you can give your children. They will learn all the important traits of a traveller (kindess, sense of humour, patience) from such an early age.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      So true Sarah, the thing I remember thinking when I left Australia for the first time in my 20’s was everyone else was doing things the “wrong” way. I just thought the Australian way was the only way to do anything…a big eye opener. ciao lisa

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Gina it is an absolute pleasure, I loved your video as soon as it opened and it just got better. Thank you so much for offering to let me include it in 30 days of Indie, it really sums up how much I love Italy…beautiful music, images, people, food, and heritage. Perfecto!
      Grazie Mille
      ciao Lisa x


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  1. Sample Green Leaves White Wallpaper says:

    […] 30 days of indie travel – day two I remember which house we were in and where it was by the wallpaper Mum would choose. Pink checks, big yellow sunflowers, dark brown paisley floral, tiny green leaves on a white background. Change… it's nothing new to […]

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