Returning to Australia

It’s only been a week since I had to leave Italy, boarding a plane and returning to Australia. Making the long flight alone and hitting the ground running. I’m heading home to Mum, she needs me and that’s all that matters right now.

Sam booked the flights and sat up most of a night waiting for the confirmation details, the kids gave me kisses and hugs then waved as I boarded the bus for Milan airport.

The day after I arrived we attended a court hearing to decide guardianship for Mum.

Emotions were high and decisions made that we are all happy with.

I’m glad I came, and happy that Mum is at last out of the rehab and back in her own home. She’s been away for two months and this was long overdue. Family drama’s are getting sorted and when I return to Italy I will know she is safe and sound.

PicMonkey Collage 11

Stepping into my Mum’s world is to embrace the familiar, the comfortable and the multitudes of memories we share as a family.

My Mum’s name is Norma and her home is filled with love.

Searching in a drawer I come across the lid to a coil pot I made in high school ceramics, still with my childish initials scratched into the underside.

The collection of china dogs I seemed to think were wonderful presents for Mother’s Day, Christmas and birthdays. One in particular, a cocker spaniel money box I vividly remember saving my pocket money to buy, has now moved with my Mum from house to house for over thirty years.

PicMonkey Collage kitchen

In stepping briefly away from our life in Italy and returning to Australia I see clearly that this move is the right decision for us.

On so many levels we have grown and developed as  a family.

Not all sunshine and light rather slow turns much as an ocean liner would need to make in order to change direction. I know that one day we will be like a glorious sailing ship, heading towards new adventures wind in our hair and freedom in our souls.

This is the gift I want to give my children, security and love passed down through generations and the wings to then fly free.




18 replies
  1. Helen Tilston
    Helen Tilston says:

    Hello Lisa

    I just found your blog through a comment you left on a mutual friend’s blog.

    I love reading about your renovation and home in N. Italy.

    I am your new follower
    Looking forward to your visit and comments

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Thanks Helen, just been over for a visit and laughed at your bags of milk x
      Who is the mutual friend? ciao ciao lisa xx

  2. jessabella
    jessabella says:

    I had no idea any of this was happening..but what beautiful words you have spoken..glad to hear that you are able to assure that your mum will be safe when you return.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It’s been a bit of a whirlwind trip and I also had no idea this was going on with Mum but happy to be able to get home and help her sort it out. Thanks for your well wishes ciao lisa x

  3. Trisha Thomas
    Trisha Thomas says:

    Lisa — are those photos of your mother? What a beautiful woman!! So tall, slim and elegant. I know how hard it is to have such a distance between you and a parent — both of mine are on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Last year it was my mother who hopped on a plane and flew over to Rome to bail me out when I was in a crisis with one of my children in the hospital. I know the day will come when I will have to do the same for her and I will so so happily. Family ties are so important and I agree that when family calls one has to drop things and go.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Yes my very beautiful Mum. I always knew the day would come when one of us would need to fly home. I’m so glad I was able to do this for Mum and just having these weeks together has been wonderful. Your Mum is lucky to have you and you her, nobody quite gets you like your Mum does (don’t tell Carina that she’s going through the tweens). I totally adore my Mum and would do anything for her. sending love as always dear Trisha xxx

  4. Caterina B
    Caterina B says:

    I know how hard it is to do what you had to do. I had to “arrange” things for my mom, too.
    You are a very good daughter.
    Your mum’s house looks really cute, Lisa!
    It’s good that going back “home” confirmed what you and Sam are doing is the right thing.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      very true Caterina and yes a total confirmation for me. Arranging things for our parents is never what we expect I’m just glad Mum gets a chance to be home and see how she manages. So many things in place for her here in Australia and lots of help luckily x Mum’s house is a treasure trove of all our memories xx sending love x

  5. jann
    jann says:

    Lisa, your story really hit home, so to speak. I’m in the same position now, back in my native land caring for my father. Moving to Italy is wonderful, but family is so far away when these kinds of crises occur. I’m glad you got everything sorted out and can soon return to your new life. xxxxxxxxxBuon viaggio xxxxxxxxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It takes some getting used to having our roles reversed temporarily. I hope your Father is okay and you will soon be able to return home. I miss the daily things with my Mum, the little things we share. It’s been a total gift being able to come back to Australia to help her at last after a lifetime of her helping and looking after me xx sending love Jann x

  6. Janine
    Janine says:

    Beautiful Lisa! Your grace and determination and strength inspire me here. I can only imagine the courage it all takes but knowing you just a little I can see where it all comes from. I love that you’re as sure as ever about life in Italy. I so hope we get time for a coffee while you’re here. You know where I am. xox

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Sorry to take so long to reply Janine I am totally out of whack with my blog and writing at the moment. I knew nothing was going to happen to my Mum and no way was this going to happen that’s for sure. Sorry we didn’t get to catch up but I met at last with my friend Doug Porter and his wife which was great. They live near you and I was telling him about you I know you’d love his work at Fresco Images xxx

      ciao ciao bella x

  7. Heather in Arles
    Heather in Arles says:

    Such a wonderful gift to give, Lisa. I was quite moved by all of this and sending my Very Best to you, your Mom and the rest of your wonderful family…

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      thanks for that Heather and Mum is much better and glad to be home at last xx

  8. Krista
    Krista says:

    Beautiful, dear Lisa. XO I’m so glad you were able to spend this time with your Mom – even though you miss your own luvs terribly!! I’m so glad your Mom is safe and sound and cared for and loved so dearly by you and the rest of the family, and so glad that the dramas were all worked through. Much love to you as you travel home. XO

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Mum really is loved and has always been there for us growing up, especially without a Dad for so many years. Home now safe and sound of course and straight back into the reno’s xxx

  9. Nina Hansen Machotka
    Nina Hansen Machotka says:

    So beautiful, Lisa. Just knowing your mum is safe and sound must give you joy. And when you come back here, she’ll be okay. You’re a wonderful daughter. xoxo. Nina.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      It was wonderful to spend so much time together with no other distractions Nina, we had a great three weeks x


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