A New Way of Seeing

a new way of seeing

Just over a week ago I received an Invitation from Di Mackey to attend a photography workshop in Genoa – A New Way of Seeing.

It felt like a ‘sign’

After much discussion regarding finances, and ‘who exactly are these women?’ with my dear husband, we agreed that I should go. Yep I’m officially menopausal so don’t mess with me. Luckily I have a great husband and he has a fantastic wife.

We packed up the campervan and headed to Turin with our friend Laura and the kids. Then spent a few wonderful days exploring the markets, listening to a fabulous jazz band in the park, and checking out the Egyptian Museum (which was the highlight for Luca).

a new way of seeing

a new way of seeing

a new way of seeing

Saturday morning at 4am Sam and I left Laura and the kids sleeping in the van and headed for the train station. My first solo trip since arriving back in Italy 18 months ago.

It’s been a long time since my backpacking days, I traveled all around Europe and America in my 20’s. A whole weekend to myself sounded like heaven, and it was. Sometimes a little solitude and ‘away time’ is just what the Doctor ordered. I navigated the metro, bought myself a cappuccino and brioche at Piazza di Ferrari and then set off to meet Di.

My weekend adventure had begun.

This is no ordinary workshop, A New Way of Seeing is such a unique combination of incredible women each complementing the other perfectly.

I am sure Di Mackey and I were sisters in another life, we just clicked, it felt like I’d know her forever. She gave me the gift of deep belly laughs, understanding, and freedom to be myself, each one I will treasure forever.

Helen Kerrison how can I thank you, every word was food for my soul.

Working with you over the weekend I reignited my passion for photography and regained a sense of my own place in the world. These were things I hadn’t realized I’d lost, your gentle guidance had me see for myself just how far I’d drifted away.

Together with Laura from Ciao Amalfi and Leah from Help! I Live with My Italian Mother in Law we laughed, shared, took a bus ride to Boccadasse for dinner on a terrace overlooking the ocean and even got a little tipsy on Limoncello.


Up until the weekend I’ve relied on my Fuji digital point and shoot camera, I take it with me everywhere and hadn’t used a SLR camera since studying photography (where I met Sam).

This was way before digital back when we processed our images in the darkroom, four years part time study and one year full time at RMIT and I felt like a total novice again.

I have to admit I was totally clueless and the number of times I had the instruction book out could have been embarrassing but it wasn’t. It was FUN, huge fun, I got to fiddle about with f-stops, and shutter speeds, depth of field, and ISO it was like remembering a lost language.

The main thing I discovered with A New Way of Seeing is that I have so much more to learn. That photography is an integral part of my language and it’s one I love sharing with you .

If you have passions follow them, keep dreaming, keep learning and keep laughing.


DSCF1786 editbatch

Being invited to stay with Di and Helen in a gorgeous apartment right across from this charming Pizzeria and it’s very proud owners was a highlight. Thank you both for taking me under your wings and showing me how to fly solo. x


Please note that the images in this post were taken on my point and shoot Fuji digital camera. the photos I took for the exercises are pretty bad as I hadn’t worked out how to preview them. If you’d like to see some gorgeous shots of the kind of work we did take a look at these ones from Laura Thayer.



and the gang x

20 replies
  1. Lisa Wood
    Lisa Wood says:

    So glad you had some “You Time” – its something I lack at the moment!!
    And I love taking Pictures, never realised how you and Sam meet, sounds ideal
    I guess it kinda like riding a bike, once you practice with your camera it will get easier with time.
    Looks like you had lots of fun, glad you found what makes you happy xxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I think I am in need of another time out with my buddy Di so I might have to run away for a weekend Lisa. Where do you head for when you get solo time?

  2. Marla
    Marla says:

    This sounds like a truly wonderful experience, Lisa. I enjoyed tagging along in the post. I so long to get more serious with a camera, but point and shoot it is, for now still.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Yes I’m still relying on my point and shoot, I love that I can put it in my pocket lol xx

  3. Cindy
    Cindy says:

    Nice post, glad you got your husband to agree:). And I love that you are enjoying your photography again. It helps you to create, relate, and capture a part of your life words can not express.
    I myself recognize that i need to write again-i barely have a moment to write in my journal once a month. But when i do i feel so much better, like I’ve captured a part of my life that otherwise might be forgotten. I have an intense memory-for people, places, and things. But no outlet for sharing it with others-maybe writing again can open that door for me.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      that creative side of my being is often the one I neglect. I would be lost with out my images and the visual side of my life. I loved to journal and since starting the blog I hardly ever write any more in journals and diaries. something I would love to start doing again, along with drawings. Maybe you could start a blog Cindy, it’s a wonderful doorway to a whole new world xxx

  4. Krista
    Krista says:

    Feeling such pride in you for stepping out on your own like this to learn and grow and experience. 🙂 I only use a little point and shoot myself, so I’d be as utterly lost with a fancy-shmancy camera as you were. 🙂 XO

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Krista you have the most uplifting use of language I’ve ever come across. Always a positive word, a kind thought, encouragement, and a bright outlook to go with that gorgeous smile. I love you so much and you always bring a little sunshine to our world. The fancy schmancy camera is Sams lol, I really need to learn to use it.x

  5. jann
    jann says:

    What wonderful images, Lisa! The lion is especially AMAZING!!! You have the knack, for sure!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      He was very photogenic Jann lol xx

  6. John
    John says:

    I always love to see your post about your life in Italy. it just you’re always seem soooo happy with your family and that’s great for you.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Ahhh we’re not always so happy, in fact Sam now has what he calls his ‘facebook smile’….we still argue and yell, lol x

  7. Wynne
    Wynne says:

    “If you have passions follow them, keep dreaming, keep learning and keep laughing.”

    Oh, Lisa – How happy I am for you that you had this wonderful experience! What a gift of time, learning, camaraderie and rededication of self and purpose. You are truly an inspiration to me. I hope one day I can achieve HALF of what you have, at least in spirit.

    Lots of love…

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Wynne you already have achieved so much and just our time with you here was so wonderful. Never forget what a warm and wonderful woman you are, love you heaps xx

  8. Di
    Di says:

    I can only tell you that it felt like an extraordinary privilege to meet you and to work with you and honestly, I’m really looking forward to our next adventure. I’ve only laughed that hard once before in recent times and ohmy, it felt so good to almost collapse there in that Genovese street.
    Your way of seeing is exquisite. Never forget that it’s less about the equipment and more about your way of seeing and you … you absolutely have it.

    • Wynne
      Wynne says:

      I LOVE that you and Lisa were laughing to tears in a Genovese street. Envy happening here!

      • Lisa Chiodo
        Lisa Chiodo says:

        Wynne you’d have had a great time, we were in fits of laughter xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Di just getting to talk with you, especially about your book and what it means to you was priceless. Can’t wait to hook up again and miss you heaps. I always told them about the equipment at college, it’s all in the eye xx

  9. Anne
    Anne says:

    Hi Lisa, sounds just the ticket , one to learn how to use a SLR camera, I am with you on this one, I have NO idea , I just use it .. and secondly to meet such fabulous ladies , and that you just clicked. Well done for stepping out again . Just what the doctor ordered. I am going to have a look at Laura’s photos , we have been following each others blogs for a long time.

    I am sure you will practice and then there will be not stopping you xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Anne, it was just wonderful and felt so freeing being solo for a change. So much to learn so little time lol xx


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‘Time does not pass, it continues…’

Years of darkness peel away and the beams in our rustic Italian kitchen are restored to their original warmth.

The house has taken on an entirely different feel as if it took a big sigh now that all those layers have been removed.

The ceilings seem higher and the rooms just that bit bigger, an optical illusion certainly but maybe it’s due to that big breath the house took, the shaking off of the past.Save















A fine dust has now settled on every surface in our rustic Italian kitchen, both up and down stairs, and will  be returned to become part of the floor in the living room. We are using it to level the surface before we lay the slabs of rock flooring.

Our friend Claudio spent the day sandblasting the two rooms. He looked like the guys from Ghost Busters.

I never expected the end result to look this good and I am now mid way through coating the raw timber with a clear finish. We kept all the huge original nails used by generations past to hang various items.

It looks like a beach in our kitchen and all we need now are the deckchairs and sun umbrellas.

The sand is at least an inch thick in most places downstairs and we are waiting on a vacuum to arrive so we can clear out the fine dust.

Sam and I have been busy taking out the door and widening the opening between the rooms, and also taking out all the nails in the lounge room walls that held up the hideous plastic paneling. Luckily the render will cover any gouges and we don’t need to take care of the floor as it is now sand.

interior wall restoration

Everyone has been in to see the results of Claudio’s work in our rustic Italian kitchen, including two Aussies we met by accident yesterday as they were trying to decide if it was okay to walk through the borgata.

How wonderful it was to hear someone say ‘Mate’ and we ended up taking them both for the grand tour of the house and the village. They just happened to come at the perfect time to see the house in total disarray, anything now will be a big improvement.

This is the wonderful part about our house in Italy, it is a living breathing part of the mountains. It has it’s own history which we know will continue long after we are gone. I like that feeling of being a care taker, of leaving the house stronger than before, of giving something back to this valley and it’s people.
















and the gang x

20 replies
  1. Lisa Wood
    Lisa Wood says:

    So glad you had some “You Time” – its something I lack at the moment!!
    And I love taking Pictures, never realised how you and Sam meet, sounds ideal
    I guess it kinda like riding a bike, once you practice with your camera it will get easier with time.
    Looks like you had lots of fun, glad you found what makes you happy xxx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      I think I am in need of another time out with my buddy Di so I might have to run away for a weekend Lisa. Where do you head for when you get solo time?

  2. Marla
    Marla says:

    This sounds like a truly wonderful experience, Lisa. I enjoyed tagging along in the post. I so long to get more serious with a camera, but point and shoot it is, for now still.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Yes I’m still relying on my point and shoot, I love that I can put it in my pocket lol xx

  3. Cindy
    Cindy says:

    Nice post, glad you got your husband to agree:). And I love that you are enjoying your photography again. It helps you to create, relate, and capture a part of your life words can not express.
    I myself recognize that i need to write again-i barely have a moment to write in my journal once a month. But when i do i feel so much better, like I’ve captured a part of my life that otherwise might be forgotten. I have an intense memory-for people, places, and things. But no outlet for sharing it with others-maybe writing again can open that door for me.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      that creative side of my being is often the one I neglect. I would be lost with out my images and the visual side of my life. I loved to journal and since starting the blog I hardly ever write any more in journals and diaries. something I would love to start doing again, along with drawings. Maybe you could start a blog Cindy, it’s a wonderful doorway to a whole new world xxx

  4. Krista
    Krista says:

    Feeling such pride in you for stepping out on your own like this to learn and grow and experience. 🙂 I only use a little point and shoot myself, so I’d be as utterly lost with a fancy-shmancy camera as you were. 🙂 XO

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Krista you have the most uplifting use of language I’ve ever come across. Always a positive word, a kind thought, encouragement, and a bright outlook to go with that gorgeous smile. I love you so much and you always bring a little sunshine to our world. The fancy schmancy camera is Sams lol, I really need to learn to use it.x

  5. jann
    jann says:

    What wonderful images, Lisa! The lion is especially AMAZING!!! You have the knack, for sure!

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      He was very photogenic Jann lol xx

  6. John
    John says:

    I always love to see your post about your life in Italy. it just you’re always seem soooo happy with your family and that’s great for you.

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Ahhh we’re not always so happy, in fact Sam now has what he calls his ‘facebook smile’….we still argue and yell, lol x

  7. Wynne
    Wynne says:

    “If you have passions follow them, keep dreaming, keep learning and keep laughing.”

    Oh, Lisa – How happy I am for you that you had this wonderful experience! What a gift of time, learning, camaraderie and rededication of self and purpose. You are truly an inspiration to me. I hope one day I can achieve HALF of what you have, at least in spirit.

    Lots of love…

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Wynne you already have achieved so much and just our time with you here was so wonderful. Never forget what a warm and wonderful woman you are, love you heaps xx

  8. Di
    Di says:

    I can only tell you that it felt like an extraordinary privilege to meet you and to work with you and honestly, I’m really looking forward to our next adventure. I’ve only laughed that hard once before in recent times and ohmy, it felt so good to almost collapse there in that Genovese street.
    Your way of seeing is exquisite. Never forget that it’s less about the equipment and more about your way of seeing and you … you absolutely have it.

    • Wynne
      Wynne says:

      I LOVE that you and Lisa were laughing to tears in a Genovese street. Envy happening here!

      • Lisa Chiodo
        Lisa Chiodo says:

        Wynne you’d have had a great time, we were in fits of laughter xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Di just getting to talk with you, especially about your book and what it means to you was priceless. Can’t wait to hook up again and miss you heaps. I always told them about the equipment at college, it’s all in the eye xx

  9. Anne
    Anne says:

    Hi Lisa, sounds just the ticket , one to learn how to use a SLR camera, I am with you on this one, I have NO idea , I just use it .. and secondly to meet such fabulous ladies , and that you just clicked. Well done for stepping out again . Just what the doctor ordered. I am going to have a look at Laura’s photos , we have been following each others blogs for a long time.

    I am sure you will practice and then there will be not stopping you xx

    • Lisa Chiodo
      Lisa Chiodo says:

      Anne, it was just wonderful and felt so freeing being solo for a change. So much to learn so little time lol xx


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